Saturday, 30 June 2012

Maria Papa: Midterm

 I brought quite a few different filters with me, but my two scarves, lace, and plastic wrapper ended up being the best for the lighting and timing. All of my filters were: A plastic wrapper with and without printed text, a plastic wrapper with two different eye shadows, a sock, pink lace on a sweatshirt, a silk scarf, and a cotton scarf.

My theme was less subject-based and more style-based. I tried to shoot more at different angles and off-centered and have the eye follow certain lines rather than have a centered, straightforward subject.

Since lighting was such a common theme in the past, I chose to shoot these wall lights. I used a plastic wrapper with an expiration date to get a slight vignetting and blurry lights.

Looking through the window at the curly hedges and beyond, I used a cotton scarf as a filter to get a soft focus, slightly tinted effect.

For this soft, unsaturated effect, I used my own breath as a filter. I chose the pathway and gate as my subject in reference to some of the landscapes shot during the Pictorialist era.

I shot the Life face and the mausoleum through pink lace to get varied tones and less contrast. I tried to shoot all the photos with the lace and scarf filters in black and white so the color wouldn't be distracting.

I used the cotton scarf again to achieve a less focused, slightly tinted photograph of the chandelier and ceiling carvings.

This softly lit photograph of the inside of the mausoleum was taken using a silk scarf as a filter with a black and white camera feature. The colors on the scarf created different tones and contrast.

I used the wrapper with the expiration date again, and it happened to line up nicely on the sides of this shot. I like the way the plastic blurs it slightly and the blurry text frames the fireplace.

 This soft focus, highly tinted photograph features the sleeping lion. I had forgotten to turn on the black and white feature, but I do like the way the cotton scarf filter colored the sky.

A pink lace filter was used in this photo of a gate in order to get a slight pattern in the tones and contrast.

 I used my silk scarf filter to achieve the slight gradation in tones and quite blurry aura around the plant. I believe the concept of timelessness was most successful in this photograph.

Devany Dougherty- Midterm Photos- June 28, 2012

Story of a Dead Man
Using photos from Chatelherault and the Hamilton Mausoleum and Crypt 
with nothing but a camera, glass, and spit

NOTE: All "before" pictures are in Sepia for a warm past look while all the "after" pictures are faded and in black and white to make them look cold and dead.

ADVICE: Read only bolded poem lines first, then return to the beginning.

 Waiting Room Chairs at Chatelherault
Glass with Spit to make it cloudy and soft like a memory
                          This is where I used to rest
                                                                                        This is where I lay to feel my best

Hamilton Mausoleum Crypt
Using my camera's softening and highlighting features
to make the tomb darker and the light outside brighter for contrast

The Garden at Chatelherault
Using the window to cast refections that appear outside
          This is what I saw outside my windows
                                                                                   This is what I see now, darkness, as it grows 

Hamilton Mausoleum Crypt
Again Using my camera's highlighting feature

The Waiting Room at Chatelherault
Using A piece of glass that I licked to soften and emphasize the light
            This was once my reading light
                                                                                                  This is now my loss of sight

Hamilton Mausoleum Crypt
An unlit candle that lay in the crypt and
snapped with my camera shaking with a slow shutter

Hamilton Mausoleum
A clear shot of the lock with the feet of people
blurred in the back
            This was when I had my open door
                                                                              This is now, locked, closed, forever more

Hamilton Mausoleum Crypt
Locks chained up tight and shutter on low for a slight blur

Hamilton Mausoleum
Clear Shot of the lion Statue for purpose of the poem
                      This is how I used to be
                                                                                                     This now is what I call me

Hamilton Mausoleum
The sleeping lion statue taken with a slow shutter and
when I was spinning the camera to produce a dream state look
                 A lion awake, sharp in life's keep       A lion, eyes closed, dazed in deep sleep

Hamilton Mausoleum
Taken through a drinking glass to produce a warped door and
blurred lighting creating a warm memory feel
                    This is how I would say goodbye
                                                                                         This is how we part now, things gone awry

Hamilton Mausoleum
Taken with a slow shutter and moving camera so that the
bodies look left behind but the "souls" look to be parting

Bernard Vincavage: Pictorialist Project

Pictorialist supplies: Black & White filter/plastic name bade/smudge stick

Chatelherault Hunting Lodge: Black & White with Clear plastic filter

Back garden gate of Chatelherault: Black &White with Clear plastic filter

Back wall of Chatelherault: Black & White with smudge filter and small rain drops
Hamilton Mausoleum: Black & White with smudge filter

Departing Chatelherault: Black & White with bus window/rain droplets

Mausoleum Stairs: Black & White with smudge filter

Mausoleum Stairs: Black & White with Clear plastic filter

Mausoleum Ceiling: Black & White with Clear plastic filter

KC Hawkes- Midterm Pictures

*My Pictorialist filter set was drawn from various materials including a small plastic baggie, three different colored scarfs, the sepia setting on my camera, the black and white setting on my camera, and simply fogging up the lens with my breath.

1. *Chatelherault Hunting Lodge (as shot through sepia filter on my camera and with the clear plastic baggie with a hole in the middle). The sepia gave the photo an antique look and the split second of sunshine brightens the photo also.

2. *Chatelherault Hunting Lodge (as shot through my solid blue scarf and in black and white). This picture really shows the contrast between dark and light due to the lights.

3. *Chatelherault Hunting Lodge from the back (no filter). I was sitting on the bus and there was rain on the windows which explains the rain. My camera was set on vivid for color so the colors really stand out.

4. *Outside at the Chatelherault Hunting Lodge (as shot through my clear plastic bag)

5. *Mausoleum (a) left figure was shot after I fogged up the lens with my breath) (b) right figure was shot in black and white and after I fogged up the lens with my breath also).

6. *Mausoleum (as shot through my fogged lens) I really like the contrast in this photo. It became nice outside for 15 minutes so the sky was very blue and bright.

7. *Mausoleum (as shot through my clear plastic bag). The sunlight coming in from the right lights up the image and gives it almost a shining look. The blurred edges allow the center to be focused also.

8. *Mausoleum (as shot through the sepia filter on my camera). The sepia allows for an older look and the dark edges allow the center to stand out more.

Erin Denay: Midterm Pictorialist Photos

1. Light fixture in Chatelherault Hunting Lodge
Filter: Transparent piece of folder

2. Set of two light fixtures in Chatelherault Hunting Lodge
Filter: Mandarin orange netting

3. Window view of gardens at Chatelherault Hunting Lodge
Filter: Lightly textured piece of purple folder

4. Building Structures at Chatelherault Hunting Lodge
Filter: Horizontal water bottle

5. Building Structure at Chatelherault Hunting Lodge
Filter: Transparent piece of folder with tape layers

6. Back right view of Hamilton Mausoleum
Filter: Polyester scarf (a shade of green)

7. View from the backside of Hamilton Mausoleum
Filter: Transparent piece of folder with tape layers

8. View from front right side of Hamilton Mausoleum
Filter: Sunglasses