Fig. 1: Filters of the plastic variety including packaging plastic, differently stretched plastic bags over rings cut from a paper cup, a plastic folder, and a scratched piece of packaging plastic. |
Fig. 2: Filters made of fabric, including a scarf, three handknit socks, a mesh bag, and a store-bought sock. |
I might have over-prepared on the filters. I ended up not using all of them, not all of them worked, and it turns out I really just liked the effect of breathing on the lens.
Fig. 3 Flowers in the window at Chatherault. Shot by breathing onto the lens, with a slower shutter speed for more exposure to emphasize the contrast between the dark flowers and the bright sunlight streaming in the window. |
Fig. 4: Bell tower at New Lanark. Shot through the lacy elements of a dark blue handknit sock. I liked the image of the belltower coming out of the dark, and the slight blue tinge that everything got. |
Fig. 5: Phone box at New Lanark. I blew on the upper part of the lens to blur the sky and trees but keep the wall and phone box sharp. I know that phone boxes weren't the subject of pictoralist photographers, but I liked it as the subject of the photograph, as the destination of the wall. To me, it evokes a type of nostalgic beauty as well. |
Fig. 6: The clouds at New Lanark. Taken with a fast shutter and breath on the lens. I liked the impressionistic quality it gives the clouds and sun. The trees are only dark silouhettes contrasting the clouds and the little bit of sunlight peeking through. (Pictures of clouds are my favorite types of pictures anyway) |
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