Saturday, 25 June 2011

Lydia Xinwan Li's Pictorialist Photos

"Filter Supply and Techniqus"

1.The items I used for the Pictorialist photos: a black silk scarf, a lip balm, the lid of a Pringles can,and an orange chocolate wrapper.
2. In addition, I have a very good multi-functional digital camera--there are different filter sets in the camera to make the photo pictorialist;such as black and white color, brown color, and Retro style, etc.
3. The breathing technique without any materials-- breathing onto the camera lens to fog and distort the image--this makes the image misty and dreamy,and look like a fairyland-like paiting with Impressionism aesthetics
Figure 1: Chatelherault Hunting Lodge

The photo was taken in black and white without additional filter set.Yet, because it was raining at that time, there was some raindrops on the lens, which expains the spots on the image.

Figure 2: Chatelherault Hunting Lodge

This shot of the hunting lodge was created with the use of an orange chocolate wrapper held across the lens of my camera (see "Filter Supply and Techniques"). The results are a blurred orange effect with a soft focus, making the photograph feel like situating in a sunset scene.
In addition,because of the decorative pattern on the wrapper, there is a non-orange curve on the image.This curve emulates the sunlight, which adds more vitality to the image.

Figure 3: Chatelherault Hunting Lodge

This photo was taken in sepia option in my camera's color setting without additional filter set. This  color makes the image aged and has a sense of reminiscence from Victorian time.

Figure 4: A window of the Banqueting Room (in the Chatelherault Hunting Lodge)

This close-up of the window was created by using distorion of lip balm on a plastic lid.I smeared the lip balm onto the lid of Pringles can to create some wavy layers, and then covered the lid in front of the lens. The result is shown on the picture--it looks like a reflection of the window in water with blurry and soft focus; it is very similar to a impressionistic paiting.

Figure 5: The vase and wall in the Banqueting room, Chatelherault Hunting Lodge

This Medium-shot was created by using a black silk scarf across the lens (see the first picture "Fliter Supply"). The result makes it looks like there are shadows reflecting on the wall.The picture indicates there is a big window on the other side(it is actually the window I shot in Fig 4). Additionally, as the scarf's fine fiber is caught by the camera, the viewer can also suggest there is a gauzy curtain near the window so that the shadow is reflected by the sun on the opposite wall. Interestingly, it is actually not that bright outside seeing from Fig 4.

Figure 6-1: New Lanark Site
Figure 6-2: New Lanark Site

Figure 6-1 and 6-2 are both long-shots that were taken without filter set. I customized them as the "Retro" style through the "photo style selector" in my camera. This style incardinates New Lanark's historical value and has a sense of nostomania.

Figure 7-1: The Water Mill and buildings at New Lanark Site

Figure 7-2: At the parking lot outside of the New Lanark Town

Figure 7-1 and 7-2 are both taken by using breathing techniqe without filter set. I fogged the lens with my breath before taking the picture. As a result, they are misty, bright and fairyland-like. This breathing techniqe contributes an overall impressionistic aesthetic.


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